Mastering Wishes: A Comprehensive Guide to Fae of Wishes MTG

Faerie of Wishes is a powerful card from the popular trading card game Magic: The Gathering. It is a creature card that grants the player with a wish token, which can be used to gain extra abilities like drawing cards or casting spells. This makes the Faerie of Wishes a very valuable card, especially in decks that focus on controlling the game and outlasting opponents.

The Faerie of Wishes was first introduced in the Lorwyn set and has since been reprinted in several other sets. It has been used in a variety of top-tier decks and is considered one of the best creature cards in the game.

The Faerie of Wishes is a great example of how a well-designed card can have a big impact on the game. It is a versatile card that can be used in a variety of ways, and it has been a staple in Magic decks for years.

Fae of Wishes MTG

The Fae of Wishes is a powerful and versatile creature card in Magic: The Gathering. It has a number of key aspects that make it a valuable addition to any deck.

  • Creature Type: Faerie
  • Mana Cost: 1
  • Power/Toughness: 1/1
  • Ability: Flying
  • Effect: When Fae of Wishes enters the battlefield, you create a wish token.
  • Wish Token: Can be used to cast any spell from your sideboard.
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Expansion: Lorwyn

The Fae of Wishes is a great card for controlling the game and outlasting your opponents. It can be used to gain card advantage, remove threats, or simply generate extra mana. The wish token is also a very powerful tool, as it allows you to cast any spell from your sideboard, giving you access to a wide range of options.

Creature Type

The Fae of Wishes is a faerie creature in Magic: The Gathering. Faeries are a type of magical creature that is often associated with mischief and trickery. They are typically small and winged, and they have a reputation for being both beautiful and dangerous.

  • Origins: Faeries are said to have originated from the Feywild, a realm of magic and wonder. They are often associated with nature, and they are said to be able to control the elements.
  • Characteristics: Faeries are typically small and winged, with delicate features. They are often depicted as being beautiful, but they can also be mischievous and dangerous. Faeries are known for their love of music and dance, and they are often said to be able to grant wishes.
  • Abilities: Faeries have a variety of magical abilities, including the ability to fly, cast spells, and shapeshift. They are also known for their ability to create illusions and glamour.
  • Weaknesses: Faeries are not without their weaknesses. They are vulnerable to iron and cold iron, and they are also said to be afraid of running water. Additionally, faeries are known for their pride and arrogance, which can sometimes lead to their downfall.

The Fae of Wishes is a powerful and versatile creature in Magic: The Gathering. It is a faerie creature, which means that it has all of the abilities and weaknesses of other faeries. However, the Fae of Wishes also has the ability to grant wishes, which makes it a very valuable card.

Mana Cost

The Fae of Wishes has a mana cost of 1, which means that it can be cast by paying one mana of any color. This makes it a very versatile card, as it can be played in any deck, regardless of its color identity.

The low mana cost of the Fae of Wishes also makes it a very efficient card. It can be played early in the game, and it can have a significant impact on the game even if it is not played until later.

For example, the Fae of Wishes can be used to gain card advantage by casting a card from your sideboard. This can be very helpful in the late game, when you are running out of cards.

The Fae of Wishes can also be used to remove threats from the battlefield. For example, it can be used to cast a removal spell to kill a creature that is threatening you.

The Fae of Wishes is a very powerful and versatile card. Its low mana cost makes it a very efficient card, and it can be used in a variety of ways to impact the game.


The Fae of Wishes has a power/toughness of 1/1. This means that it has a power of 1 and a toughness of 1. Power represents the creature’s ability to attack and deal damage, while toughness represents its ability to withstand damage.

The Fae of Wishes’s power and toughness are both very low. This means that it is not a very powerful creature in combat. However, the Fae of Wishes’s power and toughness are not its most important attributes. Its ability to grant wishes is much more valuable.

In fact, the Fae of Wishes’s low power and toughness can actually be an advantage. It makes the card more difficult to kill, as it can be difficult to deal 1 damage to a creature with 1 toughness. This can allow the Fae of Wishes to survive long enough to grant its controller a wish.

The Fae of Wishes is a powerful and versatile card. Its low power and toughness may seem like a disadvantage, but it can actually be an advantage. The Fae of Wishes’s ability to grant wishes is its most important attribute, and its low power and toughness help to protect it.


The Fae of Wishes is a creature with flying. This ability grants it several advantages in combat and can be a major factor in determining the outcome of a game.

  • Evasion: Flying creatures can’t be blocked by creatures without flying. This means that the Fae of Wishes can attack and deal damage to your opponent’s planeswalkers and creatures without worrying about being blocked.
  • Reach: Flying creatures can block creatures with flying. This means that the Fae of Wishes can protect you from aerial threats.
  • Versatility: Flying creatures can attack and block from any position on the battlefield. This gives you more options when it comes to combat and can make it difficult for your opponent to defend against your attacks.
  • Synergy: There are many cards in Magic: The Gathering that interact with flying creatures. These cards can give your flying creatures bonuses or allow you to take advantage of their flying ability in other ways.

The Fae of Wishes’s flying ability is a major asset. It gives the card a number of advantages in combat and can be a key factor in winning games.


The effect “When Fae of Wishes enters the battlefield, you create a wish token” is a crucial component of the card’s power and versatility. A wish token is a powerful resource that can be used to cast any spell from your sideboard. This gives you a great deal of flexibility and allows you to adapt your game plan to the situation at hand.

For example, if you are playing against a deck that is heavily reliant on creatures, you can use your wish token to cast a removal spell to kill one of their creatures. If you are playing against a deck that is focused on control, you can use your wish token to cast a counterspell to stop one of their spells. The possibilities are endless.

The wish token is also a great way to gain card advantage. If you are running out of cards, you can use your wish token to cast a card draw spell. This will allow you to replenish your hand and keep your options open.

The Fae of Wishes is a powerful card, and its ability to create a wish token is a major reason why. This effect gives you a great deal of flexibility and allows you to adapt your game plan to the situation at hand.

Wish Token

The wish token is a powerful resource that can be used to cast any spell from your sideboard. This gives the Fae of Wishes a great deal of flexibility and allows it to adapt to any situation. For example, if you are playing against a deck that is heavily reliant on creatures, you can use your wish token to cast a removal spell to kill one of their creatures. If you are playing against a deck that is focused on control, you can use your wish token to cast a counterspell to stop one of their spells. The possibilities are endless.

The wish token is also a great way to gain card advantage. If you are running out of cards, you can use your wish token to cast a card draw spell. This will allow you to replenish your hand and keep your options open.

The Fae of Wishes is a powerful card, and its ability to create a wish token is a major reason why. This effect gives the card a great deal of flexibility and allows it to adapt to any situation.


In the world of Magic: The Gathering, cards are assigned a rarity level to indicate their power and availability. Fae of Wishes is a rare card, which means that it is more difficult to find than common or uncommon cards. This rarity level has a number of implications for the card and its value.

  • Power Level: Rare cards are typically more powerful than common or uncommon cards. This is because they are designed to be more impactful and game-changing. Fae of Wishes is a good example of this, as it is a powerful creature that can generate a significant amount of value for its controller.
  • Availability: Rare cards are less common than common or uncommon cards. This means that they are more difficult to find in booster packs and other sources. As a result, rare cards are often more valuable than common or uncommon cards.
  • Value: Rare cards are often more valuable than common or uncommon cards. This is because they are more powerful and more difficult to find. As a result, rare cards can be traded or sold for a higher price than common or uncommon cards.
  • Constructed Play: Rare cards are more likely to be played in constructed formats, such as Standard and Modern. This is because they are more powerful and can have a greater impact on the game. Fae of Wishes is a good example of this, as it is a powerful card that is often played in Standard and Modern decks.

The rarity of Fae of Wishes has a number of implications for the card and its value. It is a powerful card that is difficult to find, which makes it more valuable than common or uncommon cards. As a result, Fae of Wishes is more likely to be played in constructed formats, where it can have a greater impact on the game.


Fae of Wishes is a creature card from the Magic: The Gathering set Lorwyn. Lorwyn is a plane of magic and wonder, home to a variety of faeries and other magical creatures. The set is known for its whimsical artwork and its focus on tribal synergies.

Fae of Wishes is a powerful card that can have a major impact on the game. When it enters the battlefield, you create a wish token. This token can be used to cast any spell from your sideboard. This gives you a great deal of flexibility and allows you to adapt your game plan to the situation at hand.

Fae of Wishes is a critical component of many Lorwyn decks. It is a versatile card that can be used in a variety of ways. It is a great card for controlling the game and outlasting your opponents.

Here are some examples of how Fae of Wishes can be used in Lorwyn decks:

  • You can use Fae of Wishes to gain card advantage by casting a card draw spell from your sideboard.
  • You can use Fae of Wishes to remove threats from the battlefield by casting a removal spell from your sideboard.
  • You can use Fae of Wishes to protect your creatures from removal by casting a protection spell from your sideboard.

Fae of Wishes is a powerful and versatile card that is a critical component of many Lorwyn decks. It is a card that can have a major impact on the game and can help you to win.

FAQs about Fae of Wishes MTG

This section provides answers to frequently asked questions about Fae of Wishes MTG card, addressing common concerns and clarifying aspects of the card’s mechanics and gameplay implications.

Question 1: What is the mana value of Fae of Wishes?

Fae of Wishes has a mana value of 1, meaning it can be cast by paying one mana of any color.

Question 2: What type of creature is Fae of Wishes?

Fae of Wishes is a Faerie creature, which grants it certain abilities and synergies with other Faerie cards.

Question 3: What is the power and toughness of Fae of Wishes?

Fae of Wishes has a power of 1 and a toughness of 1, making it a relatively fragile creature in combat.

Question 4: What is the effect when Fae of Wishes enters the battlefield?

When Fae of Wishes enters the battlefield, you create a wish token, which can be used to cast any spell from your sideboard.

Question 5: What rarity is Fae of Wishes?

Fae of Wishes is a rare card, indicating its strength and limited availability in booster packs.

Question 6: In which expansion was Fae of Wishes introduced?

Fae of Wishes was first introduced in the Lorwyn expansion, which featured a whimsical setting with a focus on tribal synergies.

In summary, Fae of Wishes is a versatile and powerful creature known for its wish token ability, which allows players to cast spells from their sideboard, making it a valuable asset in various Magic: The Gathering formats.

Moving forward, we will delve deeper into advanced strategies and deck-building considerations for utilizing Fae of Wishes MTG effectively.

Tips on Utilizing Fae of Wishes MTG Effectively

This section provides practical advice and strategies for maximizing the potential of Fae of Wishes in Magic: The Gathering gameplay.

Tip 1: Consider Sideboard Synergies: Plan your sideboard strategically to include spells that complement Fae of Wishes’ ability, such as removal, counterspells, or card draw spells.Tip 2: Protect Fae of Wishes: Prioritize protecting Fae of Wishes on the battlefield, as it is crucial for generating wish tokens and maintaining card advantage.Tip 3: Utilize Card Filtering: Include cards in your deck that allow you to filter through your library, increasing the chances of finding specific spells you want to cast with wish tokens.Tip 4: Leverage Tribal Support: Build a deck with other Faerie creatures to benefit from tribal synergies, such as those that grant bonuses or protection to Faeries.Tip 5: Manage Mana Effectively: Ensure you have sufficient mana available to cast spells from your sideboard using wish tokens, especially if they have high mana costs.Tip 6: Exploit Flashback Spells: Include cards with flashback in your sideboard to cast them from your graveyard using wish tokens, increasing your options and resourcefulness.Tip 7: Plan for Long-Term Value: Use wish tokens to cast spells that provide ongoing benefits or advantages, such as enchantments or planeswalkers, to gain a lasting impact.Tip 8: Adapt to Different Matchups: Tailor your sideboard choices based on the specific matchups you anticipate, selecting spells that are effective against various deck archetypes.

By implementing these tips, players can enhance their gameplay strategies and maximize the versatility and power of Fae of Wishes in Magic: The Gathering.

The effective utilization of Fae of Wishes requires careful planning and adaptation to different situations. By following these tips, players can increase their chances of success and harness the full potential of this valuable card.


Fae of Wishes is a versatile and powerful creature in Magic: The Gathering, renowned for its ability to create wish tokens. These tokens grant players the flexibility to cast spells from their sideboard, opening up a world of strategic possibilities.

Key insights explored in this article include the card’s synergy with sideboard strategies, the significance of protecting Fae of Wishes on the battlefield, and the importance of considering tribal synergies and mana management.

To harness the full potential of Fae of Wishes, players must carefully plan their sideboards, adapt to different matchups, and leverage the card’s ability to generate long-term value. By implementing the strategies discussed in this article, players can elevate their gameplay and maximize the impact of this valuable card on the battlefield.

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